Information collected from and formatted into a zine.
Tag: queer
Be Gay Do Crime
“We proceeded, despite the end of the world, seeking joy everywhere we could. Our communiques took the ruins for granted and we insisted upon dancing amid them. Sex parties, dance parties, street parties, reading parties – partying emerged as a central form in that frenzied moment. Our later inquiries into the sacred nature of the revel – into the bacchanals and nighttime sabbats – revealed an intrinsic relationship between partying and the world-making arts. In our parties, we opened onto connection with each other, onto other realms and other gestures.”
Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries: Survival, Revolt, and Queer Antagonist Struggle
“This is the question that is running through our minds. Do you really want Gay Power or are you looking for a few laughs or maybe a little excitement. We are not quite sure what you people really want. IF you want Gay Liberation then you’re going to have to fight for it. We don’t mean tomorrow or the next day, we are talking about today. We can never possibly win by saying “wait for a better day” or “we’re not ready yet” If you’re ready to tell people that you want to be free, then your ready to fight. And if your not ready then shut up and crawl back into your closets. But let us ask you this, Can you really live in a closet? We can’t.”
Writings of the Mary Nardini Gang
“Being queer complicates the way we experience our role under capitalism. Queer bodies are often forced to sell their labor in ways that would be excluded from traditional marxist narratives of what it means to be a worker. This includes service workers and sex workers. These forms of exploitation problematize the often heteronormative and patriarchal ideas surrounding what is and isn’t labor. Ultimately, the positions of queers and proles intertwine- we are the class that has no control over our bodies. This means different things in different situations. But the bosses who manage our time and the queer-bashers who manage our gender are clearly all class-enemies.”
Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack
“Towards the abolition of gender and against reformist projects, my anarchist war does not limit itself to the confines of politics. Instead, it includes a queer nihilist life-experience of becoming ungoverned by gender and any other social constructs intended to subjugate and discourage individual uniqueness. Beyond the limitations of theory, this also includes clandestine attack on the manifestations of society, negating the domestication of law and order.”
Being Transgender During Trans Genocide
“As the occupied land referred to as the USA regresses into a fascist dictatorship things are very bleak for transgender people. Trump campaigned hard on trans genocide and began delivering as soon as he took office. From legally detransitioning transgender people at a federal level to going to work erasing all information in federal records on transgender people Donald Trump is starting to erase us and preparing to do things that are much, much worse.”
Against Gender Against Society
“Exclusion is not remedied by inclusion but by attacking those forces that
exclude, which are numerous and are rarely entirely within our control.
Gender is a tool of war. There is a war waged against our bodies, our minds, and the potential of our relationships: the social war. What is gender and what is it to be gendered? Genders are socially constructed categories that correspond to nebulous parameters surrounding behaviors, sexualities, aesthetics, socio-cultural roles, bodies, et cetera. Genders concretize differently in different places, times, and individuals; some will experience gender as very constricting, while others will never hit the boundaries their genders impose on them. Gender is inextricably connected to sexuality, and both perpetually shape and define each other. The two most commonly imposed genders are man/male and woman/female, and to stray away from them, move amongst them or act against them summons the enforcement agents of society. Gender benefits those who want to control, socialize, and manage us and offers us nothing in return. Every time a person is scrutinized and gendered, society has attacked them, confined them, waged war on them.”
Kill the Child: Against Reproductive Futurity
“Children are the future. Frequently interpreted literally, this familiar adage carries an important theoretical underpinning: we must plan for the children of today to become the next purveyors of the social order. In the polemic No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive, Lee Edelman coins the term reproductive futurism and calls for Queer opposition to it. Edelman argues that the conception of children as our future is the political idea of the Child: our participation in politics is predicated on building a better world for our children. Planning for a future world, whether by reform or envisioning an end-game utopia, has the neat benefit of revealing the social systems and institutions we wish to manifest. Rather than living for present and people who live now (including ourselves), we hope to assert the dominance of our politics and desired social order to shape children who will benefit from-and continue-our vision. Planning for this future society precludes the possibility of instead ending or rejecting society entirely. To escape our captivity to Future we must kill the Child: reject the idea of reproductive futurism in favor of an ecstatic queer anti-politic.”
Dangerous Spaces: Violent Resistance, Self-Defense, and Insurrectional Struggle Against Gender
“I am never peaceful. The world does violence to me, and I desire nothing but violence toward the world. Anyone who attempts to keep me from my lust for blood and fire will burn with the world they cling so desperately to.
Along these lines, we have attempted to compile a selection of articles on revolutionary violence against gender and those who maintain its control and management in our daily lives.”