“If we want to improve our lives as women, we need to look at our realities,
learn survival skills and support each other. With this, we can fight back
against intimidation and being pushed around, and take back control over
our lives.”
Tag: feminism
War on Patriarchy, War on the Death Technology
“Patriarchal conquest has become an all-embracing battle of conquest over all life for the ends of greed and power for rulers and empires – to bury variety, spontaneity and vitality in a coffin of artificiality, domination and control. Male rule, womyn hating, racism, warfare, imperialism, materialism, anthropocentrism, speciesism, aggression, competition, believing humanity to be separate and superior to the natural world, psychic and emotional encasement, invulnerability, hierarchialism, objectification, exploitation, techno-rationality, lack of intuition or insight, and spiritual voidness – these are some negative attributes which are consistent with a patriarchal culture.”
Dangerous Spaces: Violent Resistance, Self-Defense, and Insurrectional Struggle Against Gender
“I am never peaceful. The world does violence to me, and I desire nothing but violence toward the world. Anyone who attempts to keep me from my lust for blood and fire will burn with the world they cling so desperately to.
Along these lines, we have attempted to compile a selection of articles on revolutionary violence against gender and those who maintain its control and management in our daily lives.”